
Friday, March 25, 2016


screenshot - "Contact"  1997

It is a director's job to have a vision -- see the big picture -- instruct his actors in making his ideas materialize. It is the cinematographer's job to keep us entranced. The editor needs the shots to merge and meld the visuals into a cohesive story, the camera man needs to spot the angles and catch the light.

As I was watching this film for possibly the third time, this shot caused me to -- well, pause the video. Much of the movie and intent is said in this brief bit of footage. Need, intent, battles, history -- overlayed against the array that could bring the answers.

Sometimes a picture IS worth a thousand words.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Rez Friendly - Hermoupolis

This is HERMOUPOLIS, a friendly village on the Paris Land sim. Not only is it quaint and packed full of wonderful photo op spots, it is rez friendly.

This is just one of the growing number of photographer oases in Second Life. Some full prim sims and many homesteads, they cover the gambit of genres and make life easier for the creative artists attempting to catch the light and the perfect moment.

Many of these sims welcome filming folks as well as the Flickr crowd; be sure and check with the owners to keep that "legal" status of course.

With so many new spots for photography and filming, I can see that MOSP isn't really needed any longer -- and that's a good thing really. So while I will still be around -- and indeed have a film in the works -- I will be more centered on letting you know of places that I find than providing yet another locale.

Some areas will remain at the MOSP location as I use them and sometimes just enjoy standing in the environments -- and you are of course welcome to also. But since I am running out of prims in my long standing store sim, I really need to make some changes. I can only shuffle so much. 

Not much else will change here at the MOSP blog. I will drop by now and then with tips and locales of interest and when some big news appears on the horizon, you guys will definitely be in the know.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Photographer - Artist Oportunity

used with permission

Fantasy Faire will be hosting artists again this year. So get your friends together, you most imaginative attire cleaned and pressed and join in the adventure.

More info here.

From the blog post:
This year the gallery will emerge in the Arts and Entertainment sim built by Haveit Neox. We are planning to have more artists than ever before, and we are asking for help in finding more Second Life fantasy artists!

Full press release on the Faire here:

Monday, March 7, 2016


I realized this morning while taking photos with a friend that this prop which still looks great but is VERY old had no height adjustment. Actually, as I typed those words I remembered the old /1a in chat trick. Some of you may not have been around when adjustments to seating were a chat bar process OR, like me, you may have forgotten that necessity.

But what I really wanted to say with this post is that you can OFTEN (not always) use hover height to adjust your sit or stand as well as feet going through or floating above the floor. I notice that height adjustments need to be made more often with mesh bodies and feet (probably not so much for the guys).

Height hover is in the Firestorm Quick Preferences button; since The Lab is the one that put it back, I am guessing that the feature can be found fairly easily in the official viewer.

Happy hovering!